Essential Travel Only To and From Rathlin: Updated Statement from Rathlin Island Ferry Ltd

Monday 23rd March 2020


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Further to discussions with all parties involved and in the interests of public health, the well being of our staff and the Island residents, RIFL have decided to escalate our travel restrictions with effect from Midnight Monday night 23rd March 2020.

We as an employer have a duty of care to our employees and with this in mind we are asking all RIFL non-island employees not to attend work with immediate effect. This will allow us to deliver the lifeline ferry service using only Island based crew to reduce the danger of transference.

Only essential travel will be permitted to and from Rathlin Island. We deem essential travel from Ballycastle as one of the following :
Island Nurse
Emergency Service to attend in an Island emergency
Emergency repairs to Water, Electricity or Gas

Essential travel from Rathlin would be medical evacuations and essential hospital appointments which must be confirmed by a medical professional.

RIFL will continue to facilitate deliveries to or from the Island to ensure the lifeline is maintained. We will manage the deliveries internally to ensure nothing is missed.

Our ferry terminal will be closed completely to the public and phones will be manned daily from 11am to 1pm by calling the usual RIFL number 02820769299 or email

We thank all of our crew, island residents, local businesses and the public, who are helping us implement these safety measures to ensure that COVID 19 has as little impact and damage on both the Rathlin and Ballycastle communities as possible.

We will update as and when this situation changes but for now please respect these and the Governments guidelines which are all in place for your own, your families and your communities well-being.

We are facing an unpredictable and frightening situation and the outcome depends on each of our actions now.

Stay safe, be vigilant and Good Luck.
We look forward to seeing you all, hopefully very soon.

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Registered with HMRC as a Charity for Tax Purposes
Registered with the Charity Commission for Northern Ireland NIC100375