New Rathlin Book in Preparation

Monday 5 July 2010

Philip Watson has been visiting Rathlin for 50 years. Since 1960 he has worked on the island on bird migration, fisheries research, wildlife and conservation, seabird censuses, with RSPB and the National Trust and was, for a period with NI 2000, slightly involved with the Manor House restoration.

Free of all these now, he is pulling together all his work and consulting with islanders and various off-island bodies and individuals, to write what he hopes will be a book that is up-to-date, easily read and of interest to those who enjoy islands, nature and folklore. History will only be included where relevant, as Rathlin’s history has already been published in several books. Folklore has also been studied, but its relation to nature (e.g. seals, birds, other animals, kelp and other plants, mythical creatures etc.) is worthy of telling. He will be on the island regularly until the end of October, after which the book has to be finished and sent to the publisher.

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